Vania Vitae

Short accounts of my life.

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Abide in My Love

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love. – John 15:9

This past weekend I was blessed with another opportunity to attend a partially silent retreat with wonderful women.  There I realized that although I may make decisions that don’t reflect my love for God, He will always love me much more than I could ever love Him back. Instead of ignoring that love or taking it for granted with the busyness of life, I needed to discern what I could be doing to fully live my life in the present and abide in that love.

The three main areas I felt God wanted me to examine in my life was prayer, community and vocation. I cannot brush aside my personal prayer time and ignore how beautiful Mass and Adoration is. Lord knows I’ve been struggling with just allowing him to work in my life and see me through the busyness.  If I can grow in my relationship with God in that way, relationships in my family, friends, community and youth ministry will become more fruitful.

Now, I have a greater trust than I previously had. I have a better understanding of what I should be doing in my life and what my life’s purpose is. I will let God reveal it to me day by day.